Standard chart of accounts south africa
From the chart of accounts, you can: Search for a code or name by typing in the search box. Create, edit or delete nominal accounts. Sort the list by clicking a column heading. Export the nominal account list to a PDF or CSV file. To do this, choose the relevant option from the Create Nominal Account drop-down menu. The purpose of the chapter is to provide a basic understanding of how the Standard Chart of Accounts (SCoA) is structured and how the Basic Accounting System (BAS) is organised to facilitate transaction processing and reporting. This chapter draws on information from the Training Guide to the Standard Chart of STANDARD CHART OF ACCOUNTS (SCoA): NATIONAL TREASURY CLASSIFICATION CIRCULAR 4 AND 5 OF 2009/10 Accounting Officers and Chief Financial Officers of departments are hereby informed of the SCoA Classification Circulars 4 and 5 of 2009/10 as issued by the National Treasury.