Tfsa stock trading rules cra
(trading a single stock, and I would still be holding the same stock long-term, despite selling and rebuying it on a daily basis)? Is the size of the TFSA account ($65K) large enough for CRA to care? 2) What happens if I get audited by CRA 2 years from now, and it gets qualified as business income? A TFSA return is required for the following taxable situations including, excess TFSA amount (over contributions), prohibited investments, non-qualified investments, non-resident contributions, and advantages. Information on when the TFSA return is due and how to pay the taxes. Should I transfer stocks into my TFSA? Thanks to a reader question, I’m going to tackle this today and offer some perspectives: “Hi Mark, I don’t know if you have covered this anywhere in your blog but I’ve got a question about transferring shares from non-registered account to a TFSA account.